Become an astronaut? This is your chance! (At least... if you're a young woman)

Have you always dreamed of becoming an astronaut as a girl? Then this is your chance. Since currently only 11% of all astronauts are women, an international competition aims to change that. How exactly does that work?

Peter Boerman on October 08, 2024 Average reading time: 3 min
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Become an astronaut? This is your chance! (At least... if you're a young woman)

In 2023, data from the UNOOSA, the United Nations Office of Outer Space Affairs, revealed that only 11% of all astronauts worldwide (and beyond…) are women. Of these astronauts, only 6.6% have performed a spacewalk. In other words, of the 265 people who have walked in space so far, only 15 were women (and they came from only 10 countries). Becoming an astronaut turns out to be much more difficult for a woman than for a man.

6 women from 6 continents get the chance to go to space.

We could say it’s a gender gap as wide as the distance to the moon. To the stars and beyond. But there’s also good news: something is being done about it. The Cosmic Girlsâ„¢ Foundation is launching a global competition today (October 4th) to inspire young women aged 14 to 19 to explore a career in space exploration. Through the official World Space Week website, the ‘6 Girls 6 Continents Competition’ launches, which not only aims to give 6 women the chance to go into space but also to shine as stars in a real Netflix documentary.

becoming an astronaut

One small step for a woman…

The competition is in honour of the United Nations declared World Space Week and the Planetary Congress held in Noordwijk by the astronauts’ club ASE. The competition is not only for women who want to become astronauts but mainly to highlight career opportunities for young women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). In these STEM sectors, the shortage of women has traditionally been massive, which is why the competition has also enlisted various global partners that all, for example, offer educational programs.

‘Our mission is to inspire young women worldwide to pursue grand ambitions, such as becoming astronauts.’

The Cosmic Girlsâ„¢ Foundation calls on girls worldwide to participate in this competition and connect with their international partner network. ‘Our mission is to build confidence in economically vulnerable young women worldwide and inspire them to pursue grand ambitions, like becoming astronauts. We equip them with the necessary skills, opportunities, training, and international connections to make their dreams come true,’ says Dr Mindy Howard, founder and CEO of the foundation. She is known as the first Dutch woman who (possibly) will go into space herself.

Global competition and documentary

Of all the participants in the competition, 6 finalists, one from each inhabited continent, will be selected to participate in astronaut training, which will also be featured in a Netflix documentary to be seen worldwide. The astronaut training includes a parabolic flight, mental preparation (Inner Space Training), and centrifuge training. The grand prize winner will have the chance for a real suborbital spaceflight. Mindy Howard: ‘Imagine a young girl from an underprivileged background winning this challenge. This is a personal victory and a beacon of hope and inspiration for her family, community, and country.’

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Peter Boerman

Peter Boerman

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