> Is the editorial staff really independent?
Yes, the editors are independent. We work together with (many) partners, whose stories we like to present in an attractive way. But the editors are and remain independent. See our editorial statute for more information.
> I have an idea for a story. What do I do with it?
We’re always looking for more stories! You can mail us your article via info@totalent.eu. You can also fill out a form here.
> I’m organizing an event. Are you coming too?
Feel free to invite us for your event at info@totalent.eu. Especially if it’s interesting, we’d like to see if we can find time in our agenda.
> I’m organizing an event. Would you like to help make that known?
That privilege is reserved for our partners. But of course you can always become a partner.
> How do I get in touch the easiest way?
Mailing is the easiest way. You can call us: + 31 88 – 730 28 86
You can also send a note or parcel to: Science Tower Rotterdam (6th), Marconistraat 16, 3029 AK Rotterdam.
> I have a different question. Now what?
Do you have a question of your own? Mail the editors.