ToTalent’s goal is to professionalise all European job market communication and recruitment by providing knowledgable in-depth articles and by organising events. ToTalent was launched in January 2020, after years of experience running Werf&, the largest digital platform for recruitment and selection in the Netherlands since 2008. With ToTalent, we are expanding our platform to an official European platform for total talent acquisition.
Do you have a question for the editors? On this page you can find all the contact details.
Weena, Toren 200, C, Third floor
3012 NJ Rotterdamq
The Netherlands
+31 88 – 730 28 86
For all article-related requests, you can reach out to our Editor-in-Chief directly.
The website of ToTalent is under the control of an independent and professional editorial team. The articles published here are directly subject to copyright and may therefore not be reproduced without written permission. Exploitation in any form whatsoever is expressly prohibited.
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